A cut above
Our landscaping efforts supplemented by the Environmental Department’s two-year planting programme have seen the planting of over 4 000 approved Strandveld shrubs and trees over 3 phases along the Otto du Plessis corridor, Cormorant Drive and Big Bay Boulevard as well as supplementary planting where necessary to fill in the gaps created by erosion, wind and vandalism.
The revamp of the two Otto du Plessis circles is under way and we have succeeded in getting the City Roads Dept to paint the circle kerbs and pavements with white and red reflective paint as a traffic calming measure as well as to replace all the required directional signage that has been destroyed by cars flying over the circles. We have received permission from the City to pave a 1.5 metre collar inside each circle.
The overgrown and dead bush in the Big Bay landscape has all been removed and the natural west coast dune strandveld is growing back as originally envisaged in the Big Bay development framework. This has been supplemented by an Environmental Department approved two-year planting programme; Phase 1 having been completed in June 2019, early in the winter rainfall season. This Phase covered the planting of around 3,800 approved strandveld shrubs and trees along the Otto du Plessis corridor. Phase 2 was completed during the first week of the 2020 winter rainfall season and covered the Cormorant Drive and Big Bay Boulevard corridors as well as supplementary planting along the Otto du Plessis corridor where necessary. Good winter rains so far have helped the new plants settle down and get well established and we do not expect a high attrition rate during a normal summer cycle.
Activities include:
Removal of dead and alien vegetation.
Completion of Phases 1 and 2 of the Planting Programme along Otto du Plessis Drive, Cormorant Drive and Big Bay Boulevard.
‘Filling the gaps’ in flower beds along the main thoroughfares.
Regular litter patrols along Big Bay roads and public areas in addition to City litter patrols.
Rehabilitation and maintenance of Eden Lawn.
Regular removal of litter and building material off Big Bay beach.